Jesse Torres says, “Attention small business owners: Email marketing is not dead. Email marketing is alive and well and continues to blow the doors off of other digital marketing channels. In fact, according to digital marketer and blogger Abrar Mohi Shafee writing on the the Kissmetrics blog, “Your email is your biggest asset!”

But how can that be with email continuing to overtake our in-boxes and with email filters more effectively screening email blasts? It would seem that the effectiveness of email by now would have taken a deep fall off a cliff. But according to the experts, a well-maintained email marketing program rises above the noise and filters and provides a return on investment (ROI) unmatched by other digital-marketing efforts.

According to Campaign Monitor, “Even with the explosion of new technology, marketers keep coming back to email. The reason is clear — for 10 years in a row, email is the channel generating the highest ROI for marketers“.

4 Ways to Dramatically Increase Email Subscriptions

‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

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