Peter Daisyme says, “While you may have focused the bulk of your retail strategy on the holiday season, it’s time to move ahead to the massive sales potential that happens now that the holiday season is over.

People are still in the mood to spend after collecting a stack of gift cards or a pile of gifts they want to exchange for something better, and often, bigger. But they’re also tightening up their spending after the holiday season, so the mentality of the shopper shifts.

Here are some tips to make the most of your January sales opportunities.

Marketing at the Ready

First, comes the marketing plan for offline and online sales channels, with tips from Walker Sands “Reinventing Retail: What Businesses Need to Know for 2015” report:

  • Decide what to put on sale and feature based on what you sold during the holiday season as well as what your suppliers are telling you they can deliver”.

Shifting Strategies to After-Holiday Sales: Are You Ready for 2016?

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