Daniel R. Warner says, “Online retailing is a booming business—as are concomitant scams.

As a law firm that works with online marketing affiliates and product producers, we often field questions about the legalities of e-tailing and online marketing. So let’s review a few frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Is it against the law to buy and sell fake reviews?

Fake reviews contravene guidelines laid out in the Federal Trade Commission’s .Com Disclosures (AKA, the Online Marketing Holy Book). In past cases, judges have characterized fake reviews as “false and misleading,” and the FTC has successfully sued buyers of fake reviews for violations of the Federal Trade Commission Act. The likelihood of people being thrown in jail over fake reviews, however, is very unlikely.

I suspect that competitors are leaving bad reviews on my products and pages. Can I sue them?

More and more, people are using negative fake reviews as an arrow in their marketing quivers. Is it legal? That depends“.

A Legal FAQ for Online Retailers and Marketers


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