‘How Threddies Uses Email Marketing to Connect with Crafters and DIYers’ – Aweber Blog
Brandon Olson says, “As Elana Donmoyer slowly rolled her collection of handmade clothing and accessories around the parking lot of a Phish concert over a decade ago, she never thought her humble efforts to fund her trips to watch her favorite band would someday transform into a business that would help support her family.
As a crafter and DIYer back then, Elana saw other crafters struggling to find hair accessories in the right colors and quantities.
“Folks were buying basic styles at the drugstore or supermarket and adding on to them,” she said. “But there was no source for these basics by-the-color. If you wanted 50 pink elastic headbands, you’d have to buy assorted packs and pull the pink ones out.”
Elana saw an opportunity, and with $500 and a lot of hard work and bootstrapping,Threddies.com was born”.
How Threddies Uses Email Marketing to Connect with Crafters and DIYers
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