‘How to Sell Your Clients on the Move to Mobile Apps’ – HubSpot
Jana Barrett says, “Agencies act as trend-informers for companies that lack the time and know-how to keep up on their own, and though most agencies are all-too-familiar with client objections and techniques to combat them, changing technology brings with it changing questions.
Mobile apps are far from new, but SMBs still have trouble digesting why they should buy in when they have a website that’s “good enough.” What they’re missing is the long-term investment a solid mobile marketing strategy represents.
The Stats Are In
As you’ve likely noted, mobile is still on the rise. Internet usage on mobile devices finallysurpassed desktop usage in 2015, making mobile-friendly websites integral to a successful marketing strategy. Consumers are now qualifying companies based on their desktop-to-mobile transition, expecting cohesive, consistent experiences on both their laptops and their smartphones and judging harshly when they’re given less“.
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