John Bonini says, “Last year, we saw significant changes in marketing technology. Mobile and social search shifted marketer’s SEO efforts, and messaging apps started to introduce new ways for brands to connect with their audience. But one channel continued to hold the reputation of ‘ol reliable among marketing teams: email.
Serving as one of the oldest digital mediums still in use, email is known for delivering the highest ROI among digital marketing channels. However, as the applications and devices people use to view emails continue to evolve, the prospect of optimizing for the inbox has become a bit more complicated.

In 2015, Litmus — a web-based email creation, testing, and analytics company — tracked over 13 billion email opens worldwide as part of its 2016 State of Email Report highlighting trends across all industries and verticals. Here’s where people are engaging with email most”.

What Tracking 13 Billion Email Opens Can Teach Us About the Current State of Email Engagement


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