Danny Sullivan says, “After 15 years, the head of Google Search — Amit Singhal — has announced he’s leaving Google. In his place, John Giannandrea, who has headed Google’s artificial intelligence and machine learning efforts, is taking over. Good, bad or no change for Google? The end of humans shaping search results?

Singhal: Keeper Of The Search Algorithm

Singhal has been a driving force with Google search ever since he joined the company in 2000. Back then, with the company much smaller, he was a roll-up-your-sleeves executive who rewrote the algorithm originally created by Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin that decided what Google would return in response to searches.

Since that time, Singhal has remained at the helm, guiding Google search through transitions such as the huge increase in documents that Google gathers and processes, the growth of vertical search, experiments (not always successful) with integrating social signals, providing direct answers and perhaps most important, making Google successful in an always-on mobile search world”.

What’s Next, As Google’s Head Of Search Leaves & Its Machine Learning Chief Takes Over?

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