Nick Chowdrey says, “Anyone who knows anything about content marketing understands that a successful blog post or other piece of content is not just a case of “build it and they will come.”

You can spend hours writing the most interesting and engaging post, or spend thousands on creating interactive/video content or e-book, but if you don’t have a strategy from the start for getting it in front of eyeballs… nobody’s going to see it. All that time and money—wasted.

Here are my surefire, tried-and-tested suggestions for getting high ranking on search engines and traffic to your content.

1. Choose the right topic

For best results in the long term, your topic should be relevant, interesting, and evergreen.

Relevant to your audience

Relevance is important because it affects how shareable the piece will be within your niche. For example, if you’re a bespoke shoemaker, your followers on social may be people”.

How to Get More Organic Traffic to Your Content


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