Kristen Dunleavy says, “If you’re a blogger, hitting the “publish” button is one of the scariest actions you can take. Publish means there’s no turning back. All of those late nights, extra cups of coffee and agonizing over titles and image placement culminate with a single click.

The only thing scarier than hitting publish is complete silence afterwards. No page views, shares or comments after all that hard work: a blogger’s worst nightmare.

It takes guts to put yourself out there as a blogger, so don’t let your best work go to waste. Use these tips to maximize each piece of content you write and drive more traffic to your blog.

1. Start an email list

You had to see this one coming, right? Here’s the deal: 80 percent of daily blog visits are new. People who are new to your blog probably don’t have time to comb through your top posts. You need a way to capture those people so they keep coming back and make a great first impression by showing off your best blog posts”.

5 Tips to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog Today

Aweber Blog

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