Make your posts sticky for lower a bounce rate #ad
Bounce rate is one of the key factors in determining your ranking in the search engines. A bounce is when a visitor arrives on a page on your site and leaves without going to another page to explore your site. You want visitors to hang around, explore the information riches you provide, and become a frequent visitor.
The first step is to get them to stay a while. That’s the purpose of WP Sticky Posts, a WordPress plugin that takes long posts and divides them into multiple sections that go on separate pages.
If your posts, even your best ones, are on a single page, a visitor may stop with one. If your posts are split onto 2 or 3 pages, the quality of your content will persuade people to keep reading, resulting in a visit of multiple pages, and a reduction in your bounce rate.
You have the option to choose which posts are split. When you do, with one click, you get a multi-page, multi-media article (the software curates a picture to go with your post) that holds the attention of your visitors.
WP Sticky Posts makes your individual posts sticky and that makes your whole site sticky.
And it gets even better. IM NewsWatch has arranged a bundle of useful bonuses for our readers. Take a look here: IMNW Bonuses for Sticky Posts.
If your site could use a better ranking, go here for the solution: WP Sticky Posts.
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