‘Readers Take Action: Logic-driven Endings for Your Blog Post’ – Business.com
Tim Brown says, “When it comes to conversions, the ending of your article, blog post or content is usually where you strategically wedge your last-ditch effort.
That’s where you want to stick your call-to-action (CTA) and your final plea. This is where you really drive the essence of your message home.
Whether you need your website users to sign up for a newsletter, purchase a product or look further into your service, the end is where you need to strike on their emotional and rational triggers.
If your site’s content is ending with a void, you’re missing out on potential conversions. It’s like you’ve been setting up for the perfect free-throw only to turn around and chuck the ball into the stands at the last second”.
Readers Take Action: Logic-driven Endings for Your Blog Post
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