Rogelio Rodriguez says, “One of the chief jobs of an inbound marketer is to convert readers into customers. A particularly effective way to do that is to write frequent, interesting content that establishes your company or client as experts in their respective fields.

However, creating compelling blog posts and articles three to four times a week can be challenging. The following four steps can help.

1. Target the right audience by building buyer personas

How can you address your audience if you don’t know who your typical buyer is? After all, you don’t want to address your posts to 40-year-old women if your customer are mostly 20-somethings.

Although you may have a general idea who this buyer is, constructing a formal buyer persona will help you solidify your ideas and give you a good tool for teaching new team members about the company and its market”.

How to Craft Blog Posts and Articles That Exceed Performance Expectations in Any Industry


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