Scott Shane says, “Email is a great marketing tool. A study by the global information services company Experian found that companies generate more than $44 in email sales revenue for each dollar of email marketing expense. That’s a massive return.
There’s just one problem. Customers are getting inundated with sales emails, and fewer of them are clicking through. In the first quarter of 2014, the average email click through rate was 4.3 percent, down from nearly 7.5 percent in the third quarter of 2006, the Epsilon Email Trends and Benchmark Report shows.
For MailChimp the numbers are even lower. The company reported that less than three percent of the billions of monthly emails it sends were clicked through last year.
These days, if you want your prospects to read your sales emails, you need to get personal. Sales emails with personalized messages have significantly higher open, click through, and reply rates, analysis by the Aberdeen Group reveals”.

Using Technology to Improve Your Email Sales

Small Business Trends

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