Tamar Weinberg says, “Today, Facebook announced the international launch of Canvas, an immersive full-screen ad player that lives and breathes on Facebook’s mobile interface.

In a partnership with multiple brands and agencies, Facebook wanted to give users the ability to build a brand story on a “canvas,” which likely was the rationale behind its name. Canvas loads directly in a user’s mobile news feed up to 10 times faster than the standard mobile web. This native ad experience is fully customizable for advertisers and creative teams and is available internationally. Facebook began testing the new ad experience last year with a small group of major brands.

One of the other reasons behind Canvas, quite simply, was to empower brands and agencies to tell the full story and to share more information without being confined to restrictive spaces. Of course, since mobile typically means slow, Facebook was mindful of creating an experience that also loaded without delays.

Canvas supports all standard multimedia, including video, graphics, text and call-to-action buttons. It does not require any code or software and works on Android and iOS”.

Canvas: Facebook’s Immersive Mobile Ad Experience Launches Internationally

Marketing Land

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