Bryan Robinson says, “Click here. Ohhh go on…

Wait, don’t leave.

Do you struggle to get people to click on your call-to-action?

Whether it’s to sign up for your newsletter, download an e-book, register for an account, or buy your products, it’s quite a task convincing people to click on that all important button, but it’s not an impossible one.

Take a look at these four steps on how to create a highly converting CTA.

1. Choose the Right Color
There’s a lot of debate surrounding color choices and how this can have an influence on purchasing decisions.

Ultimately it depends on what you want to achieve for your CTA, but if you check out this infographic from KissMetrics, they suggest that red is perfect to use in a clearance sale, and blue is ideal for creating a sense of trust”.

Power of Persuasion: How to Create a Highly Converting Call-to-Action

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