Paul Cheney says, “I recently got an email forwarded to me originally from one of our Research Partners. In it, there was a question:

Could you give me a little primer on what you consider best practices in writing promotional, informative and entertaining content that captivates readers?

What follows is Part I of my answer to that question …

Let’s Rephrase the Question

When my mother-in-law (read: least likely person to read this post) Googles something, it’s always painful for me to watch. She’s one of the more intelligent people I know, but she doesn’t really have a clue how Google works.

Usually, when she searches, she goes either too specific or too broad.

She’ll search “psychology books,” when what she really wants are books about the plasticity of the brain and how to change thought patterns”.

A Primer for Writing Promotional, Informative and Entertaining Content that Captivates Readers

The Forrester Blog

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