Rick Riddle says, “You don’t have time. That’s a given if you are a small business owner.

And often, you don’t have the money to hire others to plan and implement a content marketing strategy.

You’re advertising as much as your budget will allow, and you have a Facebook page; you’re putting in effort on LinkedIn, and your daughter is showing you how to use Instagram and Twitter.

But a business blog? Do they even work? The quick answer is yes, they do. And, yes, they take some work.

But the benefits are well worth it. Here are five of them.

1. SEO
It’s hard for business owners to understand Search Engine Optimization.

Basically, it is your effort to get your website ranked well when potential customers launch a search for the product or service you offer.

You get that rank by having lots of posts on your blog, with popular search keywords, that visitors can come and read”.

Small Business Blogging: 5 Reasons It Works & Tips for Execution


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