Demian Farnworth says, “Watch the video. Ignore the copy.

That’s my advice to you once you land on Google’s site dedicated to the new Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project:

“The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that embodies the vision that publishers can create mobile optimized content once and have it load instantly everywhere.”

If you are not a developer and you read the copy, you will be swallowed alive by jargon.

Watch the video, however, and you’ll almost immediately understand what AMP is all about (not to mention a funny Spinal Tap reference, see below).

Or you could just read this guide because it will be the most fun you’ve ever had reading about AMP and how it affects your content marketing”.

Google’s AMP: The Fun and User-Friendly Guide to Accelerated Mobile Pages

‘Copyblogger’ Blog

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