Cortney Hardinge says, “Buried beneath all the news about Apple this week, another story about digital privacy broke in Maryland — less glamorous, but arguably just as impactful to many people. On March 1st, the Washington Post reported that the Maryland Senate again delayed action on a bill that would have clamped down on the recording of conversations on public buses and trains. Since 2012, the Maryland Transit Administration has recorded the conversations of thousands of riders, with the bus company claiming it would be used as evidence in case of attacks on drivers or crimes committed on the bus. But no one is quite clear on what has been done with the recordings thus far, or what will be done with them in the future.

The story might not have gained much attention simply because it is so local, but there’s another possible reason it hasn’t captured headlines — many of the people who ride public buses in Baltimore are poor, and the poor simply have fewer digital privacy rights across the board”.

The New Digital Divide


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