Jack Simpson says, “You’d be forgiven for being frightened of marketing on Reddit. It’s a goldmine for users but a minefield for anyone even hinting at self-promotion.

Yet despite the risks, some marketers have managed to pull it off.

In this post I’m going to cover five brands that have overcome the obstacles and achieved some positive results on Reddit.


This is a perfect example of really effective marketing that doesn’t really look or feel like marketing at all, and a good lesson in what works for brands on Reddit.

Lenovo teamed up with Onion Labs, the native advertising arm of satirical publisher The Onion, to create a fantasy football web series called ‘Tough Season’.

In the series the main character plays a game called ‘Computer Slap’, which basically involved him smashing up computers with a Lenovo laptop”.

Five brands that proved marketing on Reddit can work

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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