‘Brand Bidding & PPC Optimization: Partner Relationships ‘ – Marketing Land
Lori Weiman says, “Welcome to Part 4 of my series on PPC brand bidding. This article covers working with partners and affiliates to corner the search engine results page (SERP) and control CPC costs.
I created this series using data from The Search Monitor (Disclosure: my employer) to help answer the biggest question facing PPC advertisers in 2016: How do I get meaningful growth numbers out of a crowded and competitive PPC market?
Let’s get you all caught up. In Part 1, we reviewed how gains in PPC evolved over the years and why top-line revenue is so hard to come by today. Part 2 used data and case studies to explain just how valuable brand bidding has become to marketers. Part 3 discussed best practices for brand bidding implementation.
If you have stuck with me this far, you now know why brand bidding is such a huge asset to your PPC arsenal and how to implement it into your PPC life”.
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