Bridget Deutz says, “Meta descriptions. Blegh; sounds complicated, right? Two years ago if someone would have asked me about a meta description I would have assumed they were trying to talk nerdy to me. It sounds like code, and something that is way over my head.


Meta descriptions, despite their stereotype, can be broken down in a fairly simple way. The more content I create and the further I dig into inbound marketing methodologies, the more I realize how important meta descriptions are, and how a powerful meta description can make or break. I’ve turned to the experts many times when it comes to understanding meta descriptions, and I’m here to share what I’ve learned. Check it:

First Things First: What is a Meta Description?
Experts at MOZ explain meta descriptions as “HTML attributes that provide concise explanations of the contents of web pages.” What? Let me break it down … You know when you Google something, and a list of results come up? A meta description is those couple sentences under the title that describe the search result”.

Meta Descriptions: The What, Why and How


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