Valerie Levin says, “Marketers may not be as notorious as, say, lawyers or sales people for having inflated egos, but they are certainly proud of their work and are great at touting their efforts as the best solution for gaining and converting customers.

Within the marketing world are the two groups who gladly subscribe to what might seem like conflicting schools of thought.

There is outbound marketing; the attempt to blindly reach out to new customers without a prior relationship.

Then there is inbound marketing; the cycle of marketing to customers who have found you.

For years, outbound marketing was the only way of working. Now, it is all but obsolete with inbound marketers nearly dismissing its validity.

But inbound marketing actually owes a great deal to outbound marketing. The origins of inbound techniques are rooted in what decades of marketers have learned from cold calls and even the dreaded door-to-door salesman”.

Inbound and Outbound: The PB&J Sandwich of Marketing

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