‘3 Common Mistakes in Mobile Marketing’ – Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur team says, “More than half of consumers now rely on mobile devices to stay connected to friends, work, email, social media and the Internet, for an average of three hours a day. By contrast, fewer than half of consumers still rely on their desktop computers to perform the same functions, according to data reported by media expert Mary Meeker and Smart Insights.
Not surprisingly, Smart Insights also reports that marketers invested nearly $30 billion into mobile marketing during 2015.
Though small businesses should leverage mobile as part of their marketing campaigns, they can maximize their investment by taking a moment to understand the unique demands that success in the channel requires.
Here are three typical mobile marketing mistakes — and how to avoid them:
1. Limiting the tactics a mobile marketing campaign includes.
Mobile marketing may seem limited to short message service (SMS)/text messages, or display advertising within a mobile app — but the tactics a mobile marketing campaign can and should include are far more robust. In fact, data reported by Eleventy Group reveals that 75 percent of Gmail’s 900 million users check their messages on a mobile device; 25 percent of mobile app use is dedicated to social media (particularly Facebook). The data also indicates that 70 percent of consumers prefer to receive mobile marketing messages via email, compared to less than 2 percent who say they want to receive text or SMS marketing messages”.
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