‘3 Ways to Strengthen Your Email Marketing Impact’ – Entrepreneur
Zubin Mowlavi says, “Despite your best efforts to keep customers up-to-date with the latest brand news and offers, you’re seeing flat lined open or click-through rates, an unsubscribe mass exodus, and — worst of all — emails tagged to funnel directly to your customers’ spam folders (yikes). These are all sure signs that your email campaigns have stopped resonating with your audience and are, instead, starting to offend them. That’s because, while frequency of interaction can build loyalty and brand advocacy, there’s such a thing as being too attentive.
And if you’re being too attentive with the wrong kind of attention? That’s a relationship deal breaker on every level.
Too much of the wrong content delivered to the wrong people at the wrong time is better known in email marketing speak as list fatigue. The good news is your problem is fairly easy to diagnose. Even better: it’s fairly easy to fix, too”.
3 Ways to Strengthen Your Email Marketing Impact
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