Liz Willits says, “Imagine the perfect blog post.

Your perfect blog post brings thousands of people to your site. Your audience reads it from top to bottom, gives their love in the comments and shares it on their social media profiles. An industry expert links to it in one of their blog posts. And ultimately, you see a huge spike in revenue as it brings your website and business into the spotlight.

But wait, there’s more! Months after you initially published your perfect blog post, it continues to draw website visits, shares and increased revenue.

Why does your perfect blog post have such continued success months after publication?

Because it’s evergreen.

What is evergreen content?

Evergreen content is content that is always relevant. It continues to be useful and informative no matter when your audience reads it”.

Evergreen Content: How to Boost Your SEO and Website Traffic with Timeless Content

Aweber Blog

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