Kristen Dunleavy says, “Eight years ago, Jared Polin filmed a video of himself talking about his camera gear. It was awkward. He was visibly uncomfortable in front of the camera. But he kept going.

He created another video. And another, and another.

In 2010, he launched his website Fro Knows Photo to show off his photography expertise and land some freelance jobs. His following back then was non-existent, but he kept creating.

Slowly, people began to notice. They asked questions about his techniques and Jared answered them the best way he knew how: with videos.

Today, Jared has nearly 500K YouTube subscribers and more than 200K email subscribers.

His success didn’t happen overnight. He cultivated his following over time with incredible content and a smart marketing strategy”.

How Photographer Jared Polin Uses Email Marketing to Create and Drive Traffic to His Content

Aweber Blog

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