‘Will Vlogging Be the Next Big Thing in Branded Content?’ – Business.com
Matt Byrom says, “As marketers, we’re always looking for new ways to engage our audiences with branded content.
Video has become a huge part of this with 61 percent of businesses saying they now use video as a marketing tool.
We also know that 69 percent of audiences prefer to watch video when it’s available on a web page.
So we can all agree, video is definitely a big part of branded content but what we want to know is, is a particular kind of video the next big thing in Branded content?
And the type of video we’re talking about is vlogging.
I would hazard a guess that most of you know what vlogging is, but just in case: A vlog (video blog) is a blog that contains video content.
It usually consists of someone talking directly to the camera/audience about a topic or interest that they have particular knowledge of”.
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