Samir Chaudhury says, “Writing long-form content, whether it’s a blog post or white paper, can be an overwhelming and even confusing process if you don’t take steps to prepare. To stay organized and tell your story from beginning to end, put these long-form content creation tips and tricks to use:

1. Create an outline
The most important aspect of any piece of long-form content is creating an outline. Your outline will help to keep you on track from the start and give you some direction when you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed as the actual writing process plays out. Your outline should act as a road map that walks you through each section of your piece and ensures that nothing important is overlooked when all is said and done.

You’ll want to include topics to cover and research to be done, as well as a guideline to the types of visuals, reports, resources, and statistics that need to be included in your content. When putting together your outline think of it as a checklist of everything that needs to be done, but break the outline up into sections as your content will be written so you can have an effective workflow to follow that allows you to focus on just one chunk of content at a time”.

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