‘Great Content ≠ Long-Form Content’ – MOZ
Rand Fishkin says, “Yes. I’ve read the studies. I know the correlations. Long-form content, on average, earns more engagement, higher rankings, and more shares than their more concise brethren.
But, that does not make long-form content the same as great content.
It does not make long-form content the goal of every content effort.
It certainly does not mean that longer content is better content.
Confounding variables are, in my opinion, behind many of these correlations. Long-form content, at least the good stuff, intentionally targets searchers and browsers seeking lengthier, more comprehensive information. If you want to challenge those “longer content performs better on average” statistics with equally unapplicable numbers, check the data on diminishing attention spans, ever-increasing abandonment rates, and what percent of visitors actually read long content to its end”.
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