Carrie Dagenhard says, “As content creators, we have no choice but to remain humble because every time we publish an article, it’s one of 2 million blog posts being published on the same day. Sure, we possess plenty of SEO know-how and a knack for delivering information in a way that’s entertaining and interesting.

But, after vehement denial, mini breakdowns and tearful calls to our moms, we content creators have had to accept a difficult truth: Our talent alone isn’t always enough to generate leads.

This doesn’t mean we’re throwing in the towel, though. Far from it, in fact. Content is still one of the leading drivers of conversions and overall revenue and, thanks to consumers’ love for innovation and wit, becoming even more important. We know someone has to win at content, so it may as well be us.

But how we get the right content to the right people at the right time is evolving. Content distribution is changing, and some channels are expecting you to pay”.

Should You Pay for Content Distribution?


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