‘7 Great Examples of ‘Welcome’ Emails to Inspire Your Own Strategy’ – HubSpot
Erik Devaney says, “We’ve all heard how important it is to make a good first impression. Show up late for a job interview? That’s a bad first impression. Eat a ton of garlic and forget to brush your teeth right before a first date? Also a bad first impression. Go to meet your significant others’ parents for the first time dressed in Crocs and sweatpants? That might also result in a bad first impression (depending on prevailing fashion sensibilities).
It turns out that the “make a good first impression” principle holds true not only in face-to-face encounters, but in email interactions as well.
When you send off a welcome email to a new blog or newsletter subscriber, or to a new customer, you’re making a first impression on behalf of your brand.
To help ensure you’re making the best first impression possible, we’ve rounded up some examples of standout welcome emails from brands big and small. As you’ll soon discover, each example showcases different tactics and strategies for engaging new email subscribers”.
7 Great Examples of ‘Welcome’ Emails to Inspire Your Own Strategy
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