Bees flit from flower to flower, seeking some nourishing pollen worth stopping for. People are like that, too. They try one website after another, usually only spending a few seconds on each.

They need something to arrest their attention, causing them to pause on the site, look around, and take action. Dr. Amit Pareek saw this problem on his own sites and decided to produce a solution.

He has just made that solution available to us. He calls it: IM Conversion Pro.

This is a collection of four marketing tools, all designed to help you attract and keep people’s attention:
• Click Tracker, so you will know what is working on your site
• Conversion Pop-ups, so people won’t overlook your opt-in or other message
• Countdown Timers, so people will start thinking seriously, not delaying till tomorrow
• Conversion Bars that float over your site to attract attention and call for action

With these four tools in IM Conversion Pro, your marketing will be advanced beyond what a static notice can do. Now, you can get more leads, more sales, more social engagement, better affiliate marketing results, higher webinar registrations and a lot more, because people will now pay attention.

The click tracker, for example, gives you real time tracking of all your promos, email clicks, ads, and website links. You will be able to use the data it provides to make smarter marketing decisions.

The other three tools are equally powerful and working together, can power up a business in ways you have only imagined.

Find out about this new software suite and take advantage of the current introductory offer, here: IM Conversion Pro.

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