Matt Byrom says, “Video is an awesome tool that can help you at every stage of the sales cycle.

For example, you can create fun videos on social that will attract people to your brand, an explainer video to help convert prospects into customers, and educational videos to help customers use your product and become raving fans of your brand.

Video really does have many uses, but with that comes a lot of cost. Creating a video can be expensive, especially when you don’t have a huge budget to play with.

So this week, I’m going to show you four inexpensive ways to add video to your marketing toolbox.

1. Shoot From Your Smartphone

We’ve suddenly reached an age where smartphone technology is so advanced, you could easily use yours to get away with creating a fairly decent video. This is a great option if you wanted to create a quick video for social media, and there are various apps to help you do just that”.

4 Inexpensive Ways to Add Video to Your Marketing Toolbox

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