‘Twitter wants to be better at searches for Vines, Periscopes and GIFs’ – Marketing Land
Tim Peterson says, “Earlier today, I wanted to watch the “Damn Daniel” video. The viral video that turned a pair of white Vans sneakers into a symbol of the life originated as a tweet, so I searched for it on Twitter. Bad idea. Then I remember Google has access to Twitter’s full firehose. Great idea.
That’s all to say: Twitter isn’t very good at search. But Twitter seems to recognize that and the need for it to get better.
In an abusively technical blog post published on Thursday, Twitter’s Director of Engineering for Search Infrastructure, Sam Luckenbill, said the company is taking another stab at the technology underpinning its search engine to make it better at identifying what exactly it is that people are searching for”.
Twitter wants to be better at searches for Vines, Periscopes and GIFs
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