Leslie Ye says, “You finish the final edit on your first-touch, mass prospecting email. You make sure all your customizable fields are set — first name, last name, and company. You check to make sure you’re pulling in the correct prospects, and then you press “send.”

Voila. 653 emails sent out and it’s only 9:05 a.m. The responses are bound to come rolling in and you should land yourself a few nice deals. Right?

Maybe in an alternate universe. While it’d be nice if the above strategy actually worked (and certainly make your job a whole lot eaiser), the reality of modern sales is that trying to write a one-size-fits-all email is a complete waste of time.

Why? Your company has buyer personas that outline what your ideal buyer looks like. Your years of sales experience have familiarized with you with the common types of business pain your customers face. Your product has a few core value propositions. Combine these three facts and you should be able to separate your target prospect list into a series of mix-and-match emails that are compelling enough to be sent to a few hundred prospects at once and still elicit a response”.

Buyers Are Deleting Your Sales Emails Because of This Huge Mistake


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