Ken Bowen says, “During our May Web clinic, Does Fear-Based Marketing Work? How one company saw a $45 million increase in revenue by changing their messaging tone, we capped off the webinar as we usually do – by live optimizing a page submitted by you, the fine MarketingExperiments reader.

This month, we offered feedback on a page sent in by a reader named Chris. Chris’s page was for Walking Inside, a self-help and life coaching service offered by Emotional Intelligence Coach Anne Beaulieu.

Even though the page does a lot of things right, we were quite critical of the submission in our analysis (thanks for the thick skin, Chris!), as we felt it a classic example of company-centric marketing.

At MarketingExperiments, we have spent nearly two decades urging marketers to try to distance themselves from their own companies and biases and try to see their marketing material primarily through the eyes of the customer. It’s easy to get so wrapped up in our own companies and campaigns sometimes that it can be difficult to take an important step back to look at the page as a prospect”.

Customer-centric Marketing: 3 landing page pitfalls to avoid

Marketing Experiments

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