Tamar Weinberg says, “The age of social media has brought about a new dynamic in customer communications: The concept of “real time” has made companies more accountable to their customers.

The application of the concept goes beyond generic customer service, however. In fact, if anything, companies and brands should see the importance of taking it a step further… into the realm of marketing.

Brands today have a huge opportunity to use real-time marketing to enhance personalization and reach, especially in addressing the continually changing customer expectations. Companies should seize the day by making timely offers to increase loyalty (even to upsell) and to retain customers.

Sadly, most don’t.

The Problem of Silos

There are many reasons for the persistence of silos. For most companies, it’s a matter of the infrastructure in place: Many get comfortable with the old and don’t want to experiment with the new. That’s why many marketers are still using disparate, siloed systems and platforms that are outdated for the purposes of inbound and outbound marketing”.

How Real-Time Marketing Changes the Game


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