Bill Carmody says, “Has there ever been a salesperson who closed a million-dollar deal via an outbound email blast? My guess is that the chances this has happened range from slim to none.

Author Thom Singer summed it up best in The ABC’s of Networking, when he noted that, “When we shortchange the face-to-face, we shortchange the relationship.”

Singer was right, and businesses are following his advice: Despite the proliferation of digital-communication tools in business, in-person events have experienced a renaissance in recent years. In 2015 alone, companies poured $572 billion into experiential marketing initiatives.

Marketo declared live events a “critical component” of every outbound marketing strategy. And in-person events once again topped the list as the most effective tactic for B2B content marketers.

The reason is a no-brainer: As Ben Hindman, CEO of event marketing company Splash, told me: “Cold emailing with nothing else to offer [other] than a discount or a demo is tough”.

7 Reasons to Stop Writing Cold Emails and Throw an Event Instead


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