Marina Hoffmeier says, ““People don’t always remember what you say or even what you do, but they always remember how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

What you say is powerful, but how you say it leaves lasting impact.

Imagine how the verbiage would be noticeably different in an email about financial investments compared to an email about a doggy daycare. No matter what kind of business you have, tone of voice helps you connect with your audience.

Tone as a way of personification

Tone and voice are two entirely different things but when you put them together effectively, they can equal money in your pocket.

So what’s the difference?

Voice is the mission, or persona. An example of this could be expressive.

Tone is delivery of the mission. Expressive tone is descriptive, flowery and emotional”.

How to Develop Tone of Voice to Connect with Your Email Audience


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