Drew Himel says, “As technology advances, consumers are becoming experts at blocking out content that appears fake or gimmicky. Tech-savvy consumers want a relationship with a company that is built on trust, not sales tactics2, and consumers don’t want to wait for that trust. (highlight to tweet)

These are big changes, to be sure, but today’s technological progression is also an incredible opportunity for marketers to give their consumers cutting-edge content and strategies tailored to fit their new behavior. Businesses that focus on an incredible customer experience will be able to maintain their competitive advantage.

As a content marketer, you need to simplify your approach to consumers in order to stay ahead of these technological advancements. And no matter what data or tactics you use with your consumers, the founding principles of reaching your consumer base must stay consistent. Here are four strategies to remember as you try to reach consumers in a tech-savvy world.

1. Tell Your Whole Story

Consumers increasingly distrust corporations. The more openly and transparently your brand can approach consumers, the more trust you’ll be able to build. Build your company’s blog around your company’s best practices — especially concerning how you’ll be using the metrics and information you collect from landing pages and other data-capturing means”.

How Marketers Can Gain the Trust of Tech-Savvy Consumers

Content Marketing Institute

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