‘Keyword Explorer Upgrades: New Features, More Lists, and Better Metrics’ – MOZ
Rand Fishkin says, “It’s been 5 weeks since Keyword Explorer’s launch and in that time, more than 75,000 folks have tried out what is, in my opinion, the best keyword research tool on the market.
And that’s just a sampling of the many, many kind pieces of feedback we’ve received the last few weeks (OK, there’s even more than that… it just keeps on going).
But today, we’re upgrading it further with three of the most requested features since launch.
Keyword volume is now international
Since launch day, KW Explorer has only had support for US volume, but as of today, that’s no longer the case. Russ Jones has been working with the team to support a larger capacity for international volume data, and we’ve got significant coverage for UK, Canada, and Australia, more moderate data for other Western languages and countries, and a small amount in regions and languages beyond those. Over time, we’ll be refining and adding to the keyword volume corpus so we can continue to improve”.
Keyword Explorer Upgrades: New Features, More Lists, and Better Metrics
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