Chris Byers says, “After creating hundreds of online forms and helping other companies with thousands more, I have learned this — the structure of an online form directly impacts how people will view your brand. And how people view your brand dictates the number of submissions you can successfully capture.

Many marketers still struggle to make this happen. In fact, recent research found that while “better quality leads” from paid campaigns was a top priority for 54 percent of marketers, 34 percent don’t know where to start, and many are overwhelmed. My guess? They’re not using online forms to their full potential.

Right now, your online forms are still a roadblock. And that’s OK because you’re about to learn more than a dozen research-backed methods for taking your online forms from low-performing to irresistible. To start, we need to identify what’s going wrong.

Why the granular details matter.

How you structure your online forms — as well as where and how you use them — can be the difference between love and disdain, or, put more simply, a form that gets filled out versus one that is abandoned or ignored altogether”.

The Science of Online Forms and the Brand Experience: An Essential Guide


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