Todd Saunders says, “To be honest, AdWords hasn’t changed much since its launch in 2000. And that’s coming from someone who spends all their time either advertising, testing, reading, or writing about all things PPC and SEM.

Sure, AdWords has added a ton of capabilities over the years — from Gmail Ads late last year to extended display networks, ad extensions and reporting — but they hadn’t made all these options easier to use or more efficient to set up. It all just took more time, more manual work and more stress — that is, until Google began launching its line of dynamic feature sets to AdWords in 2013.

At first, like some of the other PPC pros here at Search Engine Land, I hated the initial versions of Google’s attempt to automate campaign creation. (For some, figuring out ways to avoid the new features may even have created more work!)

Google’s line of dynamic features and ad sets is its way of helping with all the manual processes required to set up an effective AdWords campaign”.

The right way to get dynamic with Google AdWords

Search Engine Land

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