‘Find a New Approach: Rethink Your LinkedIn Marketing and Social Selling Approach’ – Business.com
Kristina Jaramillo says, “Recent research shows that most LinkedIn programs do not drive revenues.
In fact, studies show that only 1 in 5 sales, marketing and business leaders are able to clearly demonstrate a social media ROI.
I believe this is because these leaders are focused on brand awareness, brand engagement and the top of the funnel.
LinkedIn marketing is simply becoming a numbers game. My recent LinkedIn marketing study shows this.
I asked sales and marketing leaders as well as some well-recognized, trusted social media marketing experts and firm owners: What metrics are most important to you? What are you paying attention to?
Most of the sales and marketing leaders and social media experts chose clicks, profile, and platform post views, website traffic and superficial metrics like shares, comments,and likes”.
Find a New Approach: Rethink Your LinkedIn Marketing and Social Selling Approach
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