Art Sobczak says, “A couple weekends ago I was in Chicago for a baseball game with some friends. We all had similar mid-morning flight times out of O’Hare the following Tuesday morning. Being a group of six, we needed a large vehicle to get us from downtown to the airport.

No problem. The doorman at the hotel hooked us up with Leo, a private driver. He called Leo, and told him what time we needed to be picked up.

Being a skeptical road veteran and having been left waiting too many times for rides that didn’t show up when I needed to catch a flight, I asked the doorman for Leo’s number and called him myself to get reassurance he would show at the scheduled time. Leo said the right things and I was comfortable that he’d indeed be there. And he had the right “sound” — a positive and upbeat voice, good articulation, solid listening skills. I was actually looking forward to meeting him”.

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