David Koji says, “Americans can’t get enough livestreaming video. In fact, according to Deloitte’s 10th Digital Democracy Survey, nearly one-third of Americans binge on a weekly basis, and almost half now subscribe to streaming video services. Millennials ages 14-25 spend more time streaming video content than watching live television.

For marketers, that’s excellent news. To start, millennials absorb content at an exceptional rate. And Deloitte’s survey also found that approximately three in four millennials ages 19-32 say their buying decisions are more influenced by social media recommendations than by TV ads. In other words, if you’re not onboard with the livestreaming revolution, now is the time to incorporate it into your content marketing strategy.

According to Kim Garst, who co-founded Boom! Social with Terry Williamson in 2012, livestreaming services such as Periscope already are powerful tools for content marketing. “Plus, it’s not just Periscope. It’s live streaming as a whole,” Garst says. “Facebook Live is entering the space as well, and YouTube will soon be on the scene with YouTube Connect”.

5 Steps to Make Livestreaming Part of Your Content Strategy


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