Lane Shefter Bishop says, “Business proposals can be frustrating.

The people sifting through numerous campaigns and pitches have usually seen 100 just like yours before their morning coffee. So how can you grab their attention? Will your work stand out in a painfully crowded marketplace?

As a book-to-screen producer, I’ve learned that whether for film, marketing or real estate, the answer is surprisingly simple: Carefully craft a powerful logline as your opening sentence.

Notice I wrote simple — not easy.

Most people have heard of a one-liner, or even an elevator pitch, but three problems typically arise when trying to create this important item.

One issue is that a majority of folks have no idea where to start. The second is that once they actually do compose something, they don’t know how to pare it down into a single sentence. Third, and worst of all, they design a sentence that is so general it doesn’t actually help them sell anything”.

The Single Sentence Strategy for Writing Compelling Business Proposals


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