Renee Yeager says, “Delivering engaging, relevant content is the name of the game right now in marketing. Interestingly enough, as marketers center their efforts and investment on content-driven activities, most struggle with content creation. According to a 2015 study by Content Marketing Institute, 54 percent of B2B marketers and 50 percent of B2C marketers cited “producing engaging content” as a top challenge. This has been a consistent trend for the past five years.

Like many aspects of marketing, content isn’t typically something you win with right away. A test and measure approach will help you understand what topics and content types resonate most with your audience. There is so much great information out there on building for the buyer journey, writing for buyer personas and developing content for specific channels. Do your homework and get smart about content creation”.

3 Easy Ways to Get More from Your Brand’s B2B Content


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