Neil Patel says, “A great content marketer is always experimenting, always looking to the latest trends, and striving to stay on the cutting edge. That way they can produce the best kind of content for the voice and image of their brand. One of the best ways to do that is to see what other companies are doing and figure out what works best and what doesn’t.

Last year, I shared eight examples that inspired me and resonated with you. Today, I feature another eight companies that are clearly thinking about content marketing. They know their brand inside and out, and they use that foundation to really push the envelope.

Some of these are from new technologies and some are just a new spin on old values. Either way they’re sure to give you new ideas for your own brand.

1. Denny’s – Don’t be too serious

One incredible example of a brand that produces truly entertaining content is Denny’s. Its Tumblr blog is a grab bag of things ranging from clever to downright weird, but it’s all done in a way that works with the brand”.

8 (More) Absolutely Brilliant Content Marketing Innovations From the World’s Best Brands

Content Marketing Institute

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